"One Missed Call": A Movie That Should Be Missed


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A Movie That Should Be Missed

by Amayah de Pina


One Missed Call really should have been One Missed Movie. The ominous opening music and over dramatic heavy breathing should have been a clear warning that this movie would suck. The opening scene made no sense. You might ask, “Why is there a building exploding?” Or, “What does this have to do with calls and some random monster thing?” Well this whole movie makes absolutely no sense at all.

When the opening scene jumps to some woman talking on the phone, they should have just quoted the Saw franchise and any GOOD horror movie out. In Saw, there is always a scene in the beginning that sets up the movie. They tried, missed.

There are so many unnecessary tropes that take place in the movie. One of them being, the best people die first. When Shelley and her cat die quite literally 3 minutes into the movie, their deaths just prove to be so nonessential to the plot, which also makes no sense.

Another thing that makes no sense is why the directors chose the hard candies that come out of the people's mouths when they die. Is it to help the idiotic actors try to piece together the fact that when you hear a certain ringtone, you're gonna die? You would think after the FIRST DEATH THEY WOULD PIECE THAT TOGETHER! But no. Beth says “That's not my ringtone.” No really.

When directing and editing a horror movie,- or at least an attempt at one, CGI and special effects are key to tying the movie together. All of the attempts at CGI in the unfortunate movie were terrible. Director. Éric Valette, should find a new job.

Save yourself an hour and a half and MISS this movie.