
Gamings’ Greatest Gift: Rainbow Six Siege
By: Ville Carballido Sullivan
You’re bored after work or school, wanna talk to your friends but have nothing to do, and most games you play are boring and repetitive. You must try out Tom Clancy’s “Rainbow Six Siege”.
“Rainbow Six Siege” was developed by Ubisoft and officially released in 2015 where it was expected by many to fail at launch. Fast forward 9 years later to the present and it’s one of the biggest games on the market with over 70K active players on PC alone.
If you haven’t already heard of this game, it’s a first-person shooter (FPS) where you are either tasked with defending or attacking a bomb site. Depending on which team you are on, you and four others must select a spawn or bomb point and then choose from a variety of operators. Each operator has their own unique ability which allows for pure creativity as you and your team can select operators that work around each other. This allows for limitless amounts of strategies you can build around each operator's abilities with your team.
Following this selection, you are given a minute to either drone and find intel on where the bomb is/what the defenses look like, or to prepare the bomb site with extra defenses. After this phase ends, the attackers spawn in with a defusal case and must either defuse the bomb or kill every member on the enemy team all within 3 minutes. In order to win you must win 4 rounds and win by 2. It’s also important to note that the sides will switch after 3 rounds.
Although this game has had its trouble, there is no game that for 9 years straight has survived this long and well. Since I began playing in 2018 only one other game has had such a grasp on me for so long. It would take me hours to touch on all the various concepts this game has like no other such as the map destruction in order to create better attacking points for your team, or the unique character abilities that can completely change the game.
Not only is the gameplay so incredible, but the graphics are great, the map selections are incredible, and don’t get me started on the soundtrack. I will never forget the main menu theme song I heard when I first got this game. The “Operation Chimera,” menu music is to this day the greatest sound track I have ever heard.
I strongly urge everyone to at least try this game for it has an incredible dev team, gameplay, unique concepts, graphics, SFX, and music. No matter who you are you will appreciate something out of thai game, and if you have friends to play this with, you’ll be up all night talking and having fun playing Rainbow Six Siege.