
Nashua North's Chorale, Concert and Treble Choir held a concert the evening of October 25. It was a free Concert, with availability to donate at the front doors. Throughout the concert the chorus performed a series of acapella and piano accompanied songs. The concert consisted of songs like “Rise” by Arienne Abela, “I Dream of a World” by Andre Thomas, “Be who you are” by Ryan Main, “Johnny said “No!”’’ by vijay singh, plus so many other spectacular songs.
They did an amazing job capturing the audience with their talent. As soon as the audience saw the chorus walking onto the stage, clapping began, and the audience was in full awe of the performance.
“I absolutely loved it,” commented Madam Herrera, North French teacher, who was a part of the audience.“I cannot wait for their next performance.”
As the performance continued, there were some minor technical difficulties regarding the microphone, but they managed to make the best out of it.
Julia Castillo, a sophomore member of the chorus, shares what it was like to prepare for the show: “It takes a ton of preparation for concert choir. We did one song but have been preparing it since the start of school. It ended up being super beautiful and complex.. It was hard to sing everyday since if I had bad singing days, I would still have Chorale or chorus later that day.” Castillo was one of the students who participated in the entire performance. Castillo continued, “My legs were killing me.. But for the most part it was really enjoyable”
Some other audience members shared their opinion on the Chorus concert. Anonymous audience member says “The ‘Johnny said no’ song stood out to me… the way they didn’t lose their melody even though they were singing on top of each other.” Angeolina Marte Marmol, an audience member expressed “All the students did a great job, they have such beautiful voices. I’m proud to have my daughter a part of this group.”